The Rectangular Castle of Vivari

This castle, with a simple rectangular shape, was built around 1807 – 1808 by Ali Pasha near the mouth of the Vivari channel. It was hastily constructed to prevent the landing of French troops present on the island of Corfu. The castle has dimensions of 20 x 30 m, with four towers placed at its corners. The two towers facing the sea have a circular plan, while the other two, on the opposite side, are rectangular. Between the latter, there is also the main gate of the castle. Another narrower gate is located in the middle of the northern wall, facing the canal's shore. The defense mechanism of this gate is particularly noteworthy. Besides the two towers that protected it from the outside, it also has an internal fortification system.

Everything in the construction of this castle indicates that the primary goal was defense from the sea. In this direction, the strongest towers equipped with large gun ports were built, with wall thicknesses at the base reaching 2.80 m, while the other two rectangular towers, not exposed to artillery fire from ships, have a wall thickness of 1 – 1.20 m. The walls and towers have equal heights of 5 m. The upper part of the walls ends with a parapet, which is pierced by rifle ports and is bordered on the outside by a slightly protruding stone cornice.


The castle is located opposite the archaeological site of Butrint. To reach it, you need to cross the Vivari Channel on the road that connects Saranda with Greece.


Këtë kala e ka ndërtuar Ali Pashë Tepelena rreth viteve 1807 – 1808. Kalaja është ndërtuar shpejt dhe synimi kryesor ishte mbrojtja nga ana e detit.


The castle has a simple rectangular shape with dimensions of 20 x 30 meters, featuring four towers at its corners. The two towers facing the sea are circular, while the other two are rectangular. The main gate of the castle is located between the two rectangular towers.


Ali Pasha hastily constructed the castle to prevent the landing of French troops, who were present on the island of Corfu, and to ensure the movement of his forces across the territories of the Pashalik.


A unique feature of the castle is the small secondary gate located in the middle of the northern wall, facing the canal’s shore. The defense of this gate is reinforced by two external towers and an internal fortification system.

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