
This castle was the control point of the ancient road that connected Durrës, through the valley of Erzen, with the valley of Shkumbin and all the way to Macedonia. Dorëzi Castle is part of those fortified settlements that mark the beginning of the urbanization process in the territories known in ancient times as the Kingdom or League (Koinon) of the Parthians. Originally dated as a settlement of the 5th century BC by the first visitor H. Ceka (1948); then dated to the early Iron Age by S.Islami and M.Korkuti, due to the primitive appearance of the walls. Revised on the basis of the analysis of the construction technique and the characteristics of the plan, this castle dates back to somewhere in the 7th-6th century BC. as a proto-urban center. The first impression when visiting the Dorëzi Castle is that there are few preserved traces of antiquity. On the contrary, its walls reveal an interesting history with 4 construction periods covering 1200 years, starting from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD.


Built by the Illyrian population and preilire.


Dorëzi Castle is located 20 kilometers from the city of Tirana and 5 kilometers from the village of Peze.

nivel dorzi

The first impression when visiting the Dorezi fortress is that there are few preserved traces of antiquity. But, on the contrary, its walls reveal very interesting stories.


Dorezi Castle is part of those fortified settlements that mark the beginning of the process of urbanization in the known territories of Albania.


Dorezi Castle was built in 4 construction periods covering 1200 years, starting from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD.

timeline dorzi
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